Nama : Irnayanti
Npm : 13209690
Kelas : 4EA14
Mata Kuliah : B. Inggris Bisnis 2
Conditional Sentences
Conditional sentences adalah kalimat pengandaian yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang belum terjadi atau bahkan tidak
mungkin terjadi. Kalimat pengandaian ini memiliki beberapa pola yang dalam
pembentukannya disesuaikan dengan tenses/bentuk waktu.
Pada umumnya, kalimat pengandaian terdiri atas dua bagian,
yaitu main clause (induk kalimat) dan if clause (anak kalimat). Di dalam if
clause terkandung syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar keadaan seperti
terkandung dalam main clause dapat terwujud. Oleh karena itu conditional
sentences disebut juga kalimat bersyarat.
Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat tiga (3) bentuk tipe
conditional sentences, yaitu :
Tipe pertama ( Future Real Condition )
pertama disebut probable conditional yang artinya bahwa sesuatu akan mungkin
terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang ataupun sekarang kalau syaratnya terpenuhi.
Rumus :
If +
Subjek + Simple Present + Subjek + Future Tenses
+ Future Tenses, if + Subjek + Future Tenses
Contoh :
a. If you study hard, you will pass the final exam.
don’t know yet wheter you study hard. Maybe you will study hard. Maybe you
b. If we arrive late, he will be angry with us
don’t know yet wheter we will arrive late. Maybe we will arrive late. Maybe we
c. If it doesn’t rain, I will go to mall.
don’t know yet wheter it will rain. Maybe it will rain. Maybe it won’t)
d. If you insist, he will let you have it
don’t know yet wheter you will insist. Maybe you will insist. Maybe you won’t)
e. If she loves you, she will be happy for you
don’t know yet wheter she will love you. Maybe she will love you. Maybe she
Tipe kedua ( Present Unreal Conditional )
kedua improbable condition, yang artinya bahwa kejadian tersebut bertentangan
dengan yang sebenarnya, karena ini merupakan lamunan/khayalan saja.
Rumus :
If +
Subjek + V2 + Subjek + Would + V1
If + Subjek + V2 + Subjek + Past Future
Contoh :
If i were rich, i give my
money to the poor
( I’m not rich)
If you were a sugar, i
would be a ant
(you aren’t a sugar)
If Kevin Aprilio were my
boyfriend, I would be a the happiest girl in the world
(Kevin Aprilio isn’t my boyfriend)
If i were clever, I would
go to the moon
(I’m not clever)
If she visited me, I would
give her money
(she isn’t visite me)
If i won the miss world
contest, I would buy diamond
(I don’t won the miss world contest)
If i were a movie star, I
would be very famous
(I’m not a movie star)
If i were in town, i would
(I’m not in town)
If i tool the plane, i
would get there fast
(I don’t take the plane)
If i knew, i would tell you
(I don’t know)
Tipe ketiga ( Past Unreal Conditional )
ketiga menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang bertentangan di masa lampau dan tidak
ada harapan akan terlaksana karena merupakan lamunan masa lalu (impossible
Rumus :
If + S
+ Past Perfect + S + Past Perfect Future + V3
+ Past Perfect Future, if + Subjek + Past Perfect + V3
Contoh :
1. If the team had played well, it would have won the
team didn’t play well, or the team haven’t played well)
2. If you had come to my house, you would have met me
didn’t came, or you haven’t come)
3. If i had known her number, I would have called her
didn’t know her number, or I haven’t
known her number)
4. If i had a day off from work next week, I would go to the
didn’t day off, or I haven’t day off)
5. If you had told me about the problem, I would have helped
didn’t tell me, or you haven’t told me)
6. If you had studied hard, you would have passed the exam
didn’t study hard, or you haven’t studied hard)
7. If i had know it, i would have told you
didn’t know it, or i haven’t known it)
8. If you had told me, i would have defended you
didn’t tell me, or you haven’t told me)
9. If she hadn’t come late, she would have defended you
(she came late, or she has
come late)
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